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​Excell Academy Enrolment Process

Excell Academy Service is responsible for processing all enrolments and not the Educator. All forms must be signed and returned to Excell Academy office before your child commences care at Family Day Care Educators home. Upon completion, a copy of your child’s enrollment will be discussed and forwarded to the Educator who will be looking after your child.

The following attachments are required

  • Child’s birth certificate

  • Medicare card

  • Centrelink health care card

  • Immunisation record (Printed online from mygov website)

  • Anaphylaxis action plan (from the doctor)

  • Copy of legal photo ID of each emergency/ authorized person

  • Court order documentation

  • Parent ID (e.g. drivers license, passport or visa).

  • You will be required to sign an agreement which is retain by Excell Academy Service.

​Child Care Subsidy Enrolment Process

The process is outlined in the diagram below, and each step (1-4). 

The first two steps do not have to occur in this order, but no subsidy can be paid until all four steps have been completed.


There are four steps to enrol a child.


  1. The individual makes a claim for Child Care Subsidy with Centrelink

  2. The provider and individual agree an arrangement for care of a child

  3. The provider submits to an enrolment notice

  4. The individual confirms the enrolment.

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